

Arlington Middle Schools Interscholastic Athletic Program

Students must submit All VHSL sports forms to Ms. Hogwood during lunch or place forms in the mailbox on Ms. Hogwood’s office door, electronic copies are no longer accepted. Students will be reminded to check the website, canvas, and whiteboard outside of the cafeteria for physical due dates, sports tryout dates, and other important information. Students will not be permitted to tryout or join a sports team without a physical (a complete physical consisting of five pages). Students only need to turn in one physical for the school year (page three of the physical forms must be dated after 5.1.24) Below are the physical due dates and season/tryout start dates for the upcoming seasons:


Ashley Hogwood

Activities Coordinator


Student Athletics

Mission and Goals

Mission Statement

Arlington Middle Schools Athletics is a developmental program that promotes the academic, physical, psychological and social growth of the student athlete.

Goals of the Middle School Athletic program focus on:

  • Development of the student athlete
  • Sportsmanship
  • Promotion of a successful and positive experience for all

Development of the student-athlete includes but is not limited to the following areas:

  1. Academic – maintaining high educational and behavioral standards in the school community they represent. Student-athletes are to think of themselves as students first and athletes second.
  2. Physical – learning sport skills, improving physical conditioning, developing good health habits, and avoiding injuries
  3. Psychological – learning to control their emotions and developing feelings of self-worth
  4. Social – learning cooperation in a competitive context and appropriate standards of behavior

Sportsmanship includes but is not limited to:

  • A passionate effort to be successful with a commitment to be fair, honest, and respectful, and honor the rules of the game
  • The six pillars of character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship)
  • A code of conduct for student-athletes, coaches, managers, parents, fans, and administrators

Promotion of a successful and positive experience for all includes but is not limited to:

  • The assurance that student-athletes are to think of themselves as students first and athletes second. Success is represented in many forms (improvement in team and individual performance, achievement of team and personal goals, etc.) and does not always equate to winning.
  • Participation in student athletic activity that is fun and also a significant part of the educational program that represents the high standards of ethics and sportsmanship while developing good character.

Requirements, Forms, and Procedures


Sports Participation Requirements

  • In order to participate/tryout student athletes must have a current sports physical exam form (VHSL) on file with the school. In addition, students also need to be in good academic standing.
  • The physical exam must be dated after May 1st of the current school year (2024).
  • The Athletic Participation Agreement must be signed before trying out for a sports team. (See link to form below)
  • Eligibility forms are required for participants – Student athletes must be passing each of their core classes in order to participate in after-school sports.
  • Tryouts and practices take place after school from 2:45 PM to 4:05 PM
  • Sports buses depart WMS promptly at 2:30 for ALL away games. Players who are not at door 14 at 2:30 will be left at WMS.
  • Late buses will be provided for student bus riders staying after school. Late buses depart WMS at 4:15pm
  • If you have any questions, please call/email Ms. Hogwood ( at 703-228-2446.
  • Optional Student Accident Insurance


All Students Must Have a current physical (all five pages) on the First Day of Tryouts, dated 5/1/2024 (of current year) or after.

Tryout Procedures

All athletes trying out for a WMS sports team will be asked to sign in on the first day of tryouts, indicating their full names and grade level. Each athlete trying out will be assigned a number. Coaches will evaluate all athletes by their assigned numbers. Athletes invited to the 2nd or 3rd day of tryouts will see their numbers posted outside of the cafeteria on the bulletin board labeled “sports”. Final rosters will also be posted on the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria. Picked teams or final rosters will reflect the assigned number of the athlete/name.

WMS Uniforms

Uniform Care and Responsibilities:

Uniforms are provided to players for specific sports teams, and it’s important for players to take good care of them throughout the six-week season.

  • Responsibility for Loss or Damage: Families will be financially responsible for replacing any uniforms that are lost or damaged beyond normal wear and tear.
  • Uniform Pick-Up and Return: Students will pick up their uniforms from Ms. Hogwood one week before the first game and must return them one week after the last game.

Thank you!

Away Matches

Away Match Dismissal Notice:


For away matches, students will be dismissed from class at 2:20 PM. This dismissal time allows them to gather their belongings and catch the bus to the match location (the bus will depart outside of door 1).

Best of luck to our teams!

Early Fall Sports

Co-Ed Tennis


  • Tennis Schedule

    • Physical due date: 9.3.24 @ 2pm
    • Try Outs: 9.4 – 9.11
    • Practice Days:
      • Monday – Thursday
      • Practice Time & Location: 2:45pm – 4:05 pm in the YHS tennis courts
    • Coach:
      • Christopher Hernandez (
    • Additional Information:
      • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to join. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.
      • Students will walk from WMS to YHS for tryouts, practices and home matches. They will walk back to WMS from YHS for the late bus. Please bring a can of unopened tennis balls to tryouts
      • Tryout Criteria and Information

Girls' Soccer

Girls’ Soccer Schedule

    • Physical due date: 9.3.24 @ 2pm
    • Tryouts: 9/3 -9/9
    • Practice Days:
      • Monday – Thursday (until game begin)
    • Practice Time & Location:
      • 2:45-4:05 pm in the WMS fields
    • Coach:
      • Mr. Treble (
    • Additional Information:
      • WMS Girls Soccer Criteria

      • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to tryout. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.

Boys' Ultimate

  • Ultimate Schedule

    • Tryout dates: NONE
    • Girls’ Season starts 10.1.24 (last day to join is 10.7.24)
    • Boys’ Season starts 9.3.24 (last day to join is 9.12.24)
    • Practice Days:
      • Monday – Thursday (until games begin)
    • Practice Time & Location:
      • 2:45-4:05 pm in the WMS fields
    • Coach:
      • Mr. Smolinski (
    • Additional Info:
      • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to join. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.
      • All athletes are welcome to compete regardless of experience. Playing time will be allotted by practice attendance, enthusiasm, and ability.  All players will play in at least one game, if not more.
      • The WMS Ultimate team holds fun, personal growth and Spirit of the Game as it’s highest priorities.  We hold high expectations of our coaches, athletes, and spectators to help maintain a positive competitive environment that fosters competition but does not compromise integrity or objectivity.  Winning and losing are not a focus of what we do, we are looking to achieve at our highest level.


  • Cheerleading WMS Cheer(Girls’ Basketball & Boys’ Basketball Schedules)
    • Physical due date: 9/13/24 @ 2pm
    • Interest Meeting:
      • Wednesday, September 18th @ 2:45pm in the WMS Gym
    • Mandatory Cheer Clinic:
      • Monday, September 23th and 24 in the WMS Gym from 2:45pm – 4pm
    • Tryouts:
      • Wednesday, September 25th at 2:45pm – 4pm in the WMS Gym
      • Athletes will wear a white T-shirt with their tryout number displayed on the front in Duct tape, dark shorts and gym shoes and hair in a high ponytail. Athletes will receive their tryout number during the clinic. A mock tryout will be demonstrated at the cheer clinic and a rubric will be provided.
      • Please wear athletic shoes, shorts, t-shirt and hair pulled up in a high ponytail. Bow is optional.
    • Practice Days:
      • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
    • Practice Time & Location:
      • 2:45-4:05 pm in the WMS gym
    • Coach:
      • Zina Herb
    • Additional Information:
        • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to tryout. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates.
        • Cheer follows the Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball schedules

Late Fall Sports

Girls' Basketball

Girls’ Basketball Schedule

  • Physical due date: 10.18.24 @ 2pm
  • Try Outs: 10.21 – 10.23
  • Practice Days:
    • Monday – Thursday (drops down to two days away once games begin)
  • Practice Time & Location:
    • 2:45-4:05 pm in the WMS gym
  • Coach:
    • Michael Clark (
  • Additional Information:
    • WMS Basketball Criteria 
    • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to join. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.

Schedules are subject to change – check the school’s website to confirm day, time and location.

Boys' Soccer


Soccer  Schedule 

  • Physical due date: 10.18.24 @ 2pm
  • Try Outs: 10.21 – 10.24
  • Practice Days:
    • Monday –  Thursday (drops down to two days once games begin)
  • Practice Time & Location:
    • 2:45pm- 4:05pm on the WMS fields
  • Coach:
    • Chris Treble (
  • Additional Information:
    • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to join. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.

Girls' Ultimate

Ultimate Schedule

  • Tryout dates: NONE
  • Girls’ Season starts 10.1.24 (last day to join is 10.7.24)
  • Boys’ Season starts 9.3.24 (last day to join is 9.12.24)
  • Practice Days:
    • Monday – Thursday (until games begin)
  • Practice Time & Location:
    • 2:45-4:05 pm in the WMS fields
  • Coach:
    • Mr. Smolinski (
  • Additional Info:
    • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to join. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.
    • All athletes are welcome to compete regardless of experience. Playing time will be allotted by practice attendance, enthusiasm, and ability.  All players will play in at least one game, if not more.
    • The WMS Ultimate team holds fun, personal growth and Spirit of the Game as it’s highest priorities.  We hold high expectations of our coaches, athletes, and spectators to help maintain a positive competitive environment that fosters competition but does not compromise integrity or objectivity.  Winning and losing are not a focus of what we do, we are looking to achieve at our highest level.

Winter Sports

Boys' Basketball

Boys’ Basketball Schedule


  • Physical due date: 12.20.25
  • Try Outs: 1.6 – 1.9
  • Practice Days:
    • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
  • Practice Time & Location:
    • 2:45 – 4:05 pm in the WMS gym
  • Coach:
    • Michael Clark ( & Jerome Nelson (
  • Additional Information:
    • WMS Basketball Criteria 
    • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to join. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.



Wrestling Schedule

  • Physical due date: 12.20.24
  • Try Outs: NONE
  • Practice starts: 1.6.25
  • Practice Days:
    • Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (once Wrestling matches begin, students will practice Monday-Wednesday)
  • Practice Time & Location:
    • 2:45pm – 4:05 pm in the WMS Auxiliary gym
  • Coach:
    • Andrew Gavin
  • Additional Information:
      • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to join. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.


Swim Schedule


  • Physical due date: 2.14.25 (swim google form)
  • Try Outs: Not required (students must be able to swim the length of the pool without stopping)
  • Season starts: 2.18.25
  • Practice Time & Location:
    • 2:45pm – 4:00 pm YHS pool (students will walk to YHS pool for practice, if students are taking the late bus home, they will walk back to WMS to catch the bus)
    • Practice Schedule
  • Coaches:
    • TBA
  • Additional Information:
    • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to join. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.
    • Students will walk from WMS to YHS for practices and home matches. They will walk back to WMS from YHS for the late bus




 WMS Dive Schedule

  • Physical due date: 2.14.25
  • Season start date: 2.18.25
  • Team requirements:
    • Divers must have 4 dives to join the team (Dive google form)
  • Practice Time & Location:
    • 2:45pm – 4:00 pm YHS pool (students will walk to YHS pool for practice, if students are taking the late bus home, they will walk back to WMS to catch the bus)
  • Coach:
    • Amy Kress (
  • Additional Information:
    • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to join. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.
    • Students will walk from WMS to YHS for practices and home matches. They will walk back to WMS from YHS for the late bus.


Spring Sports


Track & Field Schedule


  • Physical due date: 3.7.25
  • Tryout dates: 3.10 – 3.13
  • Practice Days:
    • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
  • Practice Time & Location:
    • 2:45-4:05 pm WMS fields and YHS track (long jump)
  • Coach:
    • Mr. Treble (
  • Additional Information:
    • Please bring the complete physical and athletic agreement form to Ms. Hogwood to tryout. Physical forms (complete physical consists of five pages) must be dated after 5/1/24 for them to be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Electronic copies will not be accepted (hard copies only). Please check the season start and physical due dates below for each sport.


High School Sports

8th Grade Only

YHS is going paperless for physicals! All students interested in YHS sports MUST submit their sports physical forms online via the YHS sports registration portal.

Here is the link to the YHS announcement for online registration

Page 3 of the VHSL physical MUST be completed by the doctor and uploaded to the registration portal.