

  • Today we will be following the C-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 1 through 7 — so be sure to double-check that you’ve got the correct books and binders for class. And remember, there is NO Wolf Time today.  Again, this is a C-Day.  See your TA teacher with any questions.
  • Attention Anime Club! The next Anime Club meeting is TODAY during ASP 1 in room 109 — and it’s going to be SPECIAL.  The Anime Club will be joined by visiting artists from the New York School of Arts!! So be sure to bring your sketch books, sketching pencils, and markers for a 45-minute lesson in professional design and animation.  And don’t forget to start planning your costumes for the Cosplay Contest next week!  Contact Ms. Armistead with any questions.
  • And now for a “technology tip” from Ms. Hwang! If there’s anything wrong with your iPad — including password problems, cracked screen, broken apps, WiFi, or anything else — please tell your TA teacher so they can notify technology support. They’ll have you back online in no time!!
  • Up next — March may be over, but the Manie Musicale de Mars — aka the March Madness of Music — is going strong!!  Nearly 6-million students from 34-countries are voting on the year’s best songs.  And YOU get a vote, too!  All students in FRENCH are reminded to cast your vote for the THIRTEENTH matchup in the Final-4.
    And if any non-French students are interested in the tournament, too — just go to room 220 and scan the QR code, or ask Ms. McNeese for more information. Vive la Musique!!
  • And finally — 180 days a year, 6-and-a-half hours a day, we all spend a LOT of time here at Williamsburg.  But WMS is more than just a school — it’s our home away from home.
    Up next, stay tuned for this special video from 7th grade student-reporters Johan and Aaron, featuring the sights and sounds of our shared community.
    Roll tape!!

More News in Morning Announcements


We made it!  Today is the LAST DAY of school. In just a few short hours, the Wolf Pack...


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


It’s PROMOTION DAY here at WMS.  After three years of hard work and sacrifice, our 8th graders are preparing...