

  • Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6 — so be sure to double-check that you’ve got the correct books and binders for class. Again, this is a B-Day. See your TA teacher with any questions.
  • Attention Act 2 Art students!  Class has been CANCELLED for this afternoon.  Mr. Skrzypek is not in the building today — so once again, there will be NO Act 2 Art after school.  But classes will resume as normal next week.
  • The 2019 Winter Concert series is coming to Williamsburg — starting TONIGHT with the WMS Band, then the Chorus performs on Tuesday, and the Orchestra goes next Thursday — all at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium.  And then next FRIDAY the 13th — all three groups will be performing for the students during their grade-level elective periods.
    Admission is absolutely FREE!  So come support your friends and classmates as they celebrate the winter and holiday seasons with beautiful music — and Be a Part of the PRIDE!!  And now, here’s a sneak peak of what’s in store. Roll tape!
  • Tis the Season for Giving Back to Your Community! WMS is sponsoring a Holiday Food Drive for the Arlington Food Assistance Center. Students and staff are encouraged to donate non-perishable food items — which will all go to deserving families in our community.  Collection boxes are located outside of the library, cafeteria, gym and auditorium — from now until December 17th.  See Ms. Scott with any questions.  Together, we can make a difference!
  • Get ready for a BOOK BONANZA! The WMS-PTA Academic Book Fair is OPEN for business — in the school library from NOW until next THURSDAY, December 12th.  6th, 7th, and 8th graders will all have a chance to visit with their English classes — but everyone is welcome to stop by any day of the week — either before school or during your lunch period.
    Plus, the Book Fair will also be open late-night — TODAY, next TUESDAY, and again next THURSDAY — to coincide with the three Winter Concerts. So don’t forget to bring your money — and go get yourself a good book!
  • Calling all amateur photographers!  The WMS Yearbook is now accepting pictures from Williamsburg students and families.  Pictures can include virtually anything from our shared Williamsburg community: Sports – Clubs – Academic Competitions – Field Trips – Friends – Family – Pets – Vacations – and more!! 
    Just follow the link on the WMS website for instructions on how to upload your pictures — or see Mr. Schonfeld for more information.  Who knows?  Your picture may be featured in the 2020 Yearbook!  So submit your personal pictures today — and BE A PART of the PRIDE!!
  • And now it’s time for WOLF PACK PRIDE!!  The WMS boys soccer team lost a heart-breaker to Swanson on Tuesday — 2 to 1. The Wolves started out strong with a beautiful goal from Jake O. and an assist by Caleb L.  But then Swanson tied it up on a corner kick — and they took the lead for good with a score in the final few minutes of the match.
    Despite the loss, the entire team played a great game.  Way to go, soccer wolves — you’ll get them next time!! [clap]  Boys soccer AND girls basketball are both back in action this afternoon — hosting Thomas Jefferson Middle School.  Students and staff are invited to come out, root them on to victory, and be a part of the PRIDE!!

More News in Morning Announcements


We made it!  Today is the LAST DAY of school. In just a few short hours, the Wolf Pack...


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


It’s PROMOTION DAY here at WMS.  After three years of hard work and sacrifice, our 8th graders are preparing...