

  • Today we will be following the B-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6 — so be sure to double-check that you’ve got the correct books and binders for class.  Again, this is a B-Day.  See your TA teacher with any questions.
  • There’s something BIG and LOUD happening in school today:  the WMS “Winter Concert” — featuring performances by our entire WMS music program. It’s the perfect way to usher in the holidays!  Each grade-level will have its own assembly.  Here’s the schedule: 8th grade during 2nd period, 7th grade during 4th period, and 6th grade during 6th period.
    Before the show, all students should report to class for attendance, and then your classroom teacher will escort you to the auditorium.  Books and iPads are NOT allowed — so be sure to leave them in your classroom.
    And remember to be RESPECTFUL and SUPPORTIVE of your peers. Enjoy the show, wolves!!
  • Who wants cupcakes?!  Ms. McFerran’s and Ms. Brown’s 6th grade TAs will be selling cupcakes TODAY during all grade-level lunches.  Cupcakes are just 1-dollar each, and all money raised will go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. They’ll also be raising awareness about Parkinson’s by completing the “Will Run for Cupcakes” 5K race.  Thanks for your support, wolves, and enjoy your cupcakes!!
  • Calling all athletes!  The WMS wrestling and boys basketball seasons are starting soon.  Interested players must turn-in your physicals by TODAY.  Please put them in the BLUE MAILBOX by Ms. Hogwood’s office — or give it to her directly.  Players should also scan the QR code and complete the Google Form by January 3rd at the latest.  Wrestling practices begin on January 3rd in the Auxiliary Gym.  There are NO TRYOUTS for wrestling, and EVERYONE is welcome to join!  But there are tryouts for boys basketball, which are also scheduled to begin on January 3rd. See Ms. Hogwood with any questions about wrestling or boys basketball.
  • Calling all actors, singers and dancers!  The WMS Spring Musical — Shrek, Jr. — is coming soon!  Auditions are scheduled for January 9th and 10th after school in the Auditorium. Interested performers should prepare a short monologue and song for the audition.  For more information, just scan the QR code located by the theater. The show also needs a DANCE CAPTAIN to teach the choreography to the cast.  See Ms. Mac if you’d like to be considered.  Break a leg, everyone!!
  • And now it’s time for WOLF PACK PRIDE!!  Congratulations to the WMS Orchestra — who performed their Winter Concert on Wednesday night.
    It was an AMAZING show!  Way to go, musical wolves!! [clap]
  • Up next, you want to know one of my favorite things about the holidays?  It’s watching MOVIES!!
    Student-reporters Tucker W., Nick J., and me — Alex M. — are making our picks for best holiday movies in history.  Roll Tape!!
  • And finally — It’s SPIRIT WEEK here at WMS!  Thanks to everyone who got into the spirit for “Ugly Sweater and Holiday Gear Day.” You’ve got spirit, yes you do!!
    And to EVERYONE who’s shown your spirit all year long — by supporting your friends and classmates here in our shared community — Thanks for being a part of the Wolf Pack Pride!! [clap]

More News in Morning Announcements


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7...


Today we will be following the C-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 1 through 7 — so...