

  • The end of second quarter is just days away — and you know what that means:  IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR THE WOLF PAW DRAWING!!  That’s right, on THURSDAY afternoon — YOU could be the winner of some amazing gifts and prizes.  They’re all on display in the library showcase, so come take a look.  But to be eligible, you must turn-in your Wolf Paws by TODAY to the grade level boxes located by the cafeteria.  Good luck!!
  • It’s time to show your WOLF PACK PRIDE!  The Girls Basketball team travels to Gunston today, looking for their second win in a row.  Boosters are encouraged to make the trip — and root them on to victory.  Be a Part of the Pride!!
  • Read any good books lately? The Teen Advisory Board — a.k.a. TAB — will be meeting TODAY during all grade level lunches in the library. So grab your grub and come take a look at these Totally Awesome Books!!
  • Need help with Spanish? The Yorktown Spanish Honor Society is back — offering FREE tutoring TODAY during ASP 2 in room WW6. Get extra help with grammar and vocab — and everything you need to succeed. Just sign up with your Spanish teacher to attend, or see Senora Stewart with any questions. Hasta pronto!
  • The Boys Cohort will be meeting TODAY in room 233 during ASP I. Please see Ms. Pointer or Mr. Hicks with any questions.
  • Get a sneak preview of the WMS winter production: “The Stuck Pot!” — TODAY, during ASP 1 and 2 in the auditorium. Today’s exclusive performance is absolutely FREE!
    And then — on THURSDAY night at 7pm it’s the REAL DEAL — the premiere of the FULL PRODUCTION of “The Stuck Pot.” This romantic-comedy pits GIRLS against BOYS — in a scheme to win a bet for a whoever gets “stuck” with the worst date at the dance. Tickets for Thursday’s show are just 3-dollars for adults, 1-dollar for students and seniors, and complementary for teachers and a guest. It’ll be a night to remember, so come out and enjoy the show!
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math! If YOU’D like a career in STEM — or even if you just just enjoy building things and working with tools — then you can still sign-up for Mr. Dukek’s ACT 2 “Inventions” class for the second semester. Just see Ms. Hogwood or Mr. Tuttle to sign-up, or see Mr. Dudek for more information.
  • The 2016-2017 WMS yearbook is on sale NOW!! Just get an order form from your TA teacher — or better yet, get yours ONLINE by clicking the “Order Year Book” link on the WMS homepage. Supplies are limited, so get yours before they’re gone. The WMS Yearbook — Don’t miss out on the memories!

More News in Morning Announcements


We made it!  Today is the LAST DAY of school. In just a few short hours, the Wolf Pack...


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


It’s PROMOTION DAY here at WMS.  After three years of hard work and sacrifice, our 8th graders are preparing...