Posted on December 20, 2024
- Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6 — plus Wolf Time — so be sure to double-check that you’ve got the correct books and binders for class. Again, this is a B-Day. See your TA teacher with any questions.
- There’s something BIG and LOUD happening in school today: it’s the WMS “Winter Concert” — featuring performances by our entire WMS music program. It’s the perfect way to usher in the holidays! Each grade-level will have its own assembly. Here’s the schedule: 8th grade during 2nd period; 7th grade during 4th period; and 6th grade during 6th period.
Before the show, all students should report to class for attendance. Your classroom teacher will then escort you to the auditorium. Books and iPads are NOT allowed — so be sure to leave them in your classroom. And remember to be RESPECTFUL and SUPPORTIVE of your peers.
Enjoy the show, and thanks for putting the W-in-Everything, wolves!!
- Attention Mr. Schonfeld’s 7th grade Journalism class! Please meet in the WOLF-TV studio TODAY during 5th period for your special filming session. Once again, 7th grade Journalism students should report to Mr. Schonfeld’s room for 5th period.
- Up next, we need to talk about LOCKERS! Before you leave for Winter Break, please make sure that there is NO FOOD left in your locker. We don’t want to get BUGS! And if you’ve decorated a friend’s locker, those decorations MUST be removed by the end-of-the-day. Thanks for your help, and for respecting our shared environment, Wolves!!
- Have you checked the lost and found lately? We’ve got water bottles, lunch boxes, hats, sweatshirts, and more! If you’ve lost anything, there’s a HUGE lost-and-found located in the cafeteria. You should also check the lost and found in each of your teachers’ classrooms. And for lost iPADS, check the bin in the main office. Be sure to take a look before Winter Break — you may just find some long lost treasures!
- Today is the last day of SPIRIT WEEK, 2024! Thanks to everyone who celebrated the season by dressing up for “Tacky Sweater Day.” You’ve got spirit, yes you do!!
And to EVERYONE who’s shown your school spirit all year long — by supporting your friends and classmates here in our shared community — thanks for putting the W-in-Everything, and for being a part of the WOLF PACK PRIDE!! [clap]
- And finally — GET OFF YOUR PHONE!!!
Schools around the country are cracking down on cell phones in school. Helene — that’s HER….
And Lucy — that’s HER — have the the story. Roll tape!!
- And now, we actually have some BREAKING NEWS about this cell phone story. Just yesterday, it was announced that starting January 6th, all APS students will be REQUIRED to turn their personal devices off and put them away for the ENTIRE school day.
Not everyone will be getting phone pouches, but EVERYONE is expected to cooperate. So once again: GET OFF YOUR PHONE, Williamsburg, OR ELSE!!