

  • The WMS-PTA Book Fair is about to begin! That’s right, even as we speak the Library is transforming into a BOOKSTORE — filled with the best books from every cencievable genre: fiction and non-fiction; sci-fi and fantasy; mystery and adventure — and don’t forget about graphic novels, puzzles, knick-knacks and more!
    The doors will open first-thing Monday morning, and you can also stop by during lunch or after school. So be sure to come on out and find something to read. And now, take a look at what’s in store!
  • The Best Buddies Club will have its first meeting TODAY during TA in room 124. This inspirational club is your chance to really make a difference in our school, and with our amazing kids. Just check-in with your TA teacher first, then come on down to learn what it’s all about. See Ms. Spina with any questions. Thanks, Buddy!!
  • The LGBTQ Club — SAGA — will hold its first meeting next MONDAY during ASP I in room 228. Gay, straight, or ally — ALL ARE WELCOME! Please see Ms. Pointer for more information.
  • Serve, volley, overhead slam! Good news for the WMS tennis team — there will be NO PRACTICE on Monday. That’s right:  just take a break, and rest up.  No tennis practice on Monday.
  • If you know how to read and write in any language other than English, you should take the Credit by Exam. If you pass this exam, you can earn up to 4 High School credits. The deadline to apply is October 14th. Ask Ms. Soto in room 132 for an application. Don’t wait and get school credit for language skills that you already possess!
  • Si sabes hablar y leer en español, debes tomar el Crédito por Examen. Si pasas este examen, puedes conseguir hasta 4 créditos de preparatoria. La fecha limite para entregar la solicitud es el 14 de octubre.  Pide a la Sra. Soto en la habitación 132 que te dé una solicitud. No esperes y obtén créditos escolares por habilidades del lenguaje español que ya posees.
  • Calling all dancers, musicians, writers, filmmakers, and visual artists! Put your creative genius to the test in the annual “Reflections” contest. This year’s theme: “What Is Your Story?” Just get a submission form and turn-in your entry to the “Reflections” box in the library by October 17th.


More News in Morning Announcements


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7...


Today we will be following the C-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 1 through 7 — so...