- Calling all 8th graders! It’s time to get ready for PROMOTION! The 8th grade Promotion Rehearsal will begin promptly at 8 a.m., so please proceed to the gym immediately following the Morning Announcements. There’s a LOT to go over before the big event.
. - And right after rehearsal, 8th graders are reminded to CLEAN OUT YOUR LOCKERS! Everything’s gotta go — books, bags, pictures, and any other personal items must be removed. Please remember to recycle the recyclables — and consider DONATING unwanted school supplies. And finally, be sure to “check out” with your TA teacher!!
. - The WOLF PACK LUNCH for 7th graders has been RESCHEDULED for TODAY in the Library Conference room. Participating 7th graders are asked to go directly to the Library — get your FREE PIZZA — and join your WMS administrators for a relaxing lunch. Again, the 7th grade WOLF PACK LUNCH is being held TODAY in the Library. See Ms. Wielechowski in the main office with any questions.
. - Did you get your yearbook last week? The 2018-2019 yearbooks were distributed on Friday. If you were absent or unable to get yours — please bring your “claim ticket” to the MAIN OFFICE today to pick-up your copy. Again, you MUST have your claim ticket to get your yearbook. See Ms. Kontos with any questions.
. - And now for an important message from our school librarians. All overdue library books MUST be returned AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! There are still HUNDREDS of overdue books out there — 224, to be exact — and the library needs them back. So look in your backpack, your locker, and under your bed at home — and BRING IN YOUR BOOKS!
. - We’re also still waiting for DOZENS of team uniforms to be returned. Please bring them to Ms. Hogwood in the Activities Office as soon as possible. Any student who does NOT return their uniform will be charged for a replacement — so if you don’t want to pay, turn it in TODAY!
. - Have you checked the lost and found lately? There are literally HUNDREDS of jackets, sweatshirts, water bottles, lunch boxes, and so much more. Be sure to take a look — you may just find some long lost treasures! Anything not claimed by this FRIDAY will be donated… or discarded.
. - This is a reminder from the School Clinic that all student medications MUST be picked-up between now and next WEDNESDAY, June 26th. Any unclaimed prescriptions or items will be discarded. Students must have a note from home if they want to pick-up the medications themselves — otherwise, please ask your parents to stop by. See the school nurse with any questions.
. - Did you know that over 1-BILLION toothbrushes end up in landfills every year? Ms. Willet’s 7th grade science classes are now collecting old toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, and floss containers — all of which will be recycled to cut down on waste and pollution. Just drop them in the RECYCLING BOX located in the main lobby. Let’s make a difference Williamsburg!
More News in Morning Announcements
Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...
Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7...
Today we will be following the C-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1 through 7 — so...