

  • We begin today with WOLF PACK PRIDE — and a special video!  As the year comes to a close, we’d like to take a minute to recognize the diverse student body here at Williamsburg — and the contributions that EVERYONE makes to our shared community.
    Each of us is UNIQUE — each of us is SPECIAL — and each of us is… WILLIAMSBURG!
  • The WMS Yearbook will be distributed TODAY in the Auxiliary Gym. An announcement will be made over the PA when students should collect them — 8th graders during 1st period; 7th graders during 4th; and 6th graders during 6th. But to get your yearbook, you absolutely MUST have a “claim ticket” — so make sure you DON’T LOSE THEM when they’re passed out this morning.  Also, be advised that students will have time to sign yearbooks NEXT WEEK — so please go straight back to class after you get yours.
  • Can you believe there’s only ONE WEEK left of school — and even less for 8th graders?!?  Summer is within reach — and student-reporters Wil T. and Daniel S. say students and staff are MORE than ready to begin their vacation.  Check it out!
  • There are currently 284 overdue library books — and the librarians want them BACK!  So look in your backpack, your locker, and under your bed at home — and BRING IN YOUR BOOKS!
  • We’re also still waiting for DOZENS of team uniforms to be returned.  Please bring them to Ms. Hogwood in the Activities Office as soon as possible. Any student who does NOT return their uniform will be charged for a replacement — so if you don’t want to pay, turn it in TODAY!
  • Brace yourselves, Williamsburg, because we’ve got something truly MEDIOCRE to show you.  Stay tuned for the SEASON FINALE of Mediocre Media — with student reporters Miles M. and Jonah P.
  • That’s all for now — but don’t go away, because it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: the 4th quarter WOLF PAW DRAWING!! Stay tuned following the Morning Announcements to find out if YOUR name was selected to win one of our amazing Wolf Paw Prizes. If called, please report to the Main Lobby IMMEDIATELY to claim your prize. Good luck, wolves!!

More News in Morning Announcements


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7...


Today we will be following the C-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 1 through 7 — so...