

  • The SOLs roll-on here at WMS — with the 8th grade Patriots and Rams taking the Math test.  Here’s the breakdown for May 30th…
    SOL Schedule -- 5/30/19We will be following Team Time Bell Schedule ‘B’ today.  The Math SOL begins immediately following the Morning Announcements at 8 a.m.  Test-takers are reminded that you may ONLY bring the following items: your fully-charged iPad, a pencil or pen, a book to read, and earbuds ONLY if you have an approved audio accommodation for the test.
    You may NOT bring: backpacks or cinch sacks; any other electronic devices such as phones, watches, game consoles and the like; nor any water or snacks. And of course, there is zero tolerance for CHEATING. And for all those students who are NOT testing — please remember to be quiet and respectful in the halls.
    Teachers will be monitoring the hallways to ensure that there are no disruptions. Any other questions or concerns? Check with your teachers or grade level counselors. Good luck on your SOLs, Patriots and Rams!
  • The WMS Library will be CLOSED today during SOL testing hours. However, it WILL be open after school. So be sure to stop by this afternoon and get yourself something good to read!  But don’t forget: all library books are DUE next MONDAY, June 3rd — so read fast!
  • This is a reminder for all 8th grade Cavaliers and Hokies:  you are NOT testing today, but should instead report to your designated classrooms for team time this morning, where you’ll be screening the Academy Award nominated film — Hidden Figures.  The movie will begin promptly at 8:15, so don’t be late!
  • And now for a “Transportation Tip” about riding the LATE bus. If you’re ever planning to take the LATE BUS after school — you MUST have a signed bus pass for both ASP1 and 2. If you do not have a pass — you will NOT be allowed to ride the late bus. Again — the pass must be SIGNED for both ASP1 and 2 in order to ride the Late Bus. See your grade-level administrator with any questions.
  • And finally today — the power of DANCE has been proven to reduce stress, increase energy, improve fitness, and of course, make people LAUGH — especially when it’s your TEACHERS doing the dancing.  So before we embark on another day of SOL testing, we invite you to stress LESS, laugh MORE… and do the MACARENA!!

More News in Morning Announcements


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Today we will be following the B-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


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