- Attention WMS! The Virginia Standards of Learning are set to begin TOMORROW — and will continue until June 7th. The SOLs will involve every student and staff member in school — so it’s important that everyone knows what to expect.
To learn your testing days and location, either check with your TA teacher or the posting boards located by the cafeteria, library, and gym. On your testing days — you may ONLY bring the following items: your fully-charged iPad, a pencil or pen, a book to read, and earbuds ONLY if you have an approved audio accommodation for the test. Please note that iPads with LESS THAN an 80-percent charge will NOT be sufficient for the test – so be sure to plug yours in EVERY NIGHT during testing.
And here’s what you may NOT bring: backpacks or cinch sacks; any other electronic devices such as phones, watches, game consoles and the like; nor any water or snacks. And of course, there is zero tolerance for CHEATING.
Each testing day is scheduled to BEGIN at 8 a.m., and will END when Mr. Boykin makes an announcement over the PA — at which time students may proceed to class. And even on days when you’re NOT testing, please remember to be quiet and respectful in the halls. Any other questions or concerns? Check with your teachers, grade level counselors, or Ms. Cameron.
. - Also, it’s very important that EVERY STUDENT runs a “TestNav System Check” to make sure the testing software is installed and functioning prior to the test. For a quick tutorial on how to run the Systems Check, just go to the “Technology” section of the WMS Website, click “iPad Tech Tutorials”, then select “TestNav SOL System Check for Students.” You can also follow the link located in today’s Morning Announcements Blog. See Ms. Cameron or Ms. Solomon with any additional technology issues or questions about the upcoming tests. GOOD LUCK on the SOLs, Williamsburg!!
*CLICK HERE* to view the TestNav SOL System Check tutorial
. - And this is the most important thing of all — be sure to eat a GOOD BREAKFAST. On EVERY scheduled SOL testing day from tomorrow until June, the WMS cafeteria will be offering a FREE BREAKFAST to all students, from 7:25 to 7:50 a.m. It’s a FACT that a healthy breakfast fuels both your body AND your mind. So give yourself the best chance for success, and EAT YOUR BREAKFAST!!
. - Calling all TAB members! You’ve been reading Totally Awesome Books all year long — and today, it’s time to announce the group’s FAVORITE read of the year. The end-of-the-year TAB party is TODAY during all grade-level lunches. Participants are reminded to grab your lunch and come on up! See Ms. Lord with any questions. Hooray for books!!
. - Calling all cast and crew of the Spring musical — Alice in Wonderland, Junior! Take TWO!! The screening of the show has been RESCHEDULED for this WEDNESDAY after school in the WMS auditorium. See Mr. Brown with any questions — and enjoy the show!
. - And now for a “Transportation Tip” about riding the LATE bus. If you’re ever planning to take the LATE BUS after school — you MUST have a signed bus pass for both ASP1 and 2. If you do not have a pass — you will NOT be allowed to ride the late bus. Again — the pass must be SIGNED for both ASP1 and 2 in order to ride the Late Bus. See you grade-level administrator with any questions.
. - And finally today — it’s Day 2 of Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week at WMS. And today, teachers are invited to the Teacher’s Lounge for a FREE LUNCH — courtesy of District Taco. Enjoy the grub, teacher wolves — it’ll be delicioso!!
. - And now, here’s a tribute to all of our AMAZING teachers — who really are our SUPERHEROES. Check it out!!
More News in Morning Announcements
Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...
Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7...
Today we will be following the C-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1 through 7 — so...