

  • We begin today with WOLF PACK PRIDE!  Here at WMS it’s not just the students that have school spirit — it’s the teachers, too!  Every month at the faculty staff meeting, TWO outstanding individuals are presented with the Leader of the Pack Award — in recognition of their hard work, support, innovation, and positive contributions.
  • As a special treat, today’s winners will be announced LIVE, right here on WOLF-TV!  We now welcome to the set Mr. Seay and Ms. Board — who both won the award in March — to present the Leader of the Pack Award to our new winners for the month April.  Take it away, teach!

[on set guest, unscripted]

  • Congratulations to you both!  And now:  back to the show!  The WMS Music Department will be attending its Spring Competition TODAY at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA — and it’s going to be a BONANZA!  Students from the Chorus, Orchestra, the Wind and Percussion ensembles, and the Concert and Symphonic bands will all be performing — and trying their best to bring us back a championship.  Rock the house, music wolves!! [clap]
  • It’s time to PINK OUT!  The Yorktown Softball team and their coach, our very own Ms. Sutphin, will be hosting the annual Breast Cancer Awareness Night — TONIGHT at 6 p.m. — during their game against McLean High School.  There will be great food and prizes, and all money raised will go towards research and helping victims of cancer. This is a VERY important event — and they need YOUR HELP to make it count.  See you at the game!
  • What’s in your basket!  The Extended Day Check-In program is now selling tickets for its annual “Raffle Basket” fundraiser this week. The baskets are filled with all kinds of treats, gifts, and goodies — and you can try for whichever one you like most. Tickets are just 1-dollar, and will be on sale during all grade-level lunches and after school until next Tuesday. See Ms. Kia with any questions.
  • Calling all native-Spanish speakers! If you speak Spanish at home, then you could EASILY earn a special “Seal of Bi-literacy” on your high school diploma. Just sign-up for next year’s “Spanish for Fluent Speakers” class — and you’ll be on your way! Applications MUST be submitted by next TUESDAY. Just scan the QR code with your TA teacher, or see your grade-level counselor for more information. Buena suerte!!
  • And now, please stay tuned for this important Public Service Announcement.
    *CLICK HERE* to watch the Seatbelts PSA on WOLF-TV!

More News in Morning Announcements


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7...


Today we will be following the C-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 1 through 7 — so...