

  • Brace yourselves, wolves, because today is REPORT CARD DAY! That’s right, teachers will be distributing reports cards during TA this morning. Be sure to take them home and show your parents — then bring back the signed receipt by next week. Ah yes, Report Cards — Have fun with that!
  • There are going to be a few new faces in school this morning!  HUNDREDS of rising 6th graders will be visiting Williamsburg from surrounding elementary schools today. They’ll be receiving an orientation about WMS, guided tours of the building and classrooms, performances from our musical groups and cheer squad, and of course — LUNCH in the cafeteria. If you see these kids in the hall, let’s be sure to give them a smile, make them feel welcome, and BE A PART OF THE PRIDE!!
  • And in preparation for today’s orientation, 7th grade Tour Guides from the Capitals and Nationals teams are reminded to meet at 9:45 this morning — so you’re in position and ready for the rising 6th graders’ arrival.  Again, tour guides should report at 9:45.  See Mr. Tuttle with any questions.
  • Game on!  The Yorktown Field Hockey Team is recruiting players for next fall.  Interested female athletes currently in the 7th and 8th grades are invited to an informational session TODAY during ASP 1 in the WMS gym.  You’ll get to meet the coach, have a Q-and-A, and learn everything you need to get a jump on the competition.  See your PE teacher for more information.
  • Sister Circle will meet on THURSDAY during ASP 1 in room 233. Come out for a little Girl Talk — and a lot of fun activities! See Ms. Cameron with any questions.
  • Calling all native-Spanish speakers! If you speak Spanish at home, then you could EASILY earn a special “Seal of Bi-literacy” on your high school diploma. Just sign-up for next year’s “Spanish for Fluent Speakers” class — and you’ll be on your way! Applications MUST be submitted by next Wednesday — so don’t wait. Just scan the QR code with your TA teacher, or see your grade-level counselor for more information. Buena suerte!!
  • “Every HERO needs a squad!!” The Pennies for Patients fundraiser is going strong! All month long, the WMS Check-In program will be collecting donations for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and its fight against cancer.  The goal is to raise 3,600-dollars — and whichever TA collects the most money will get a free pizza and ice cream party!!  See Ms. Kia with any questions — and support the Pennies for Patients fundraiser!
  • The Check-In Program will ALSO be hosting a Pizza Sale — this FRIDAY after school by the cafeteria. All money raised will be added to the Pennies for Patients fundraiser and its goal to cure cancer. So be sure to come by, grab a slice, and support Pennies for Patients!

More News in Morning Announcements


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7...


Today we will be following the C-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 1 through 7 — so...