

  • WMS Kindness TreeWe begin today with WOLF PACK PRIDE!!  This week, we are proud to announce the unveiling of: the WMS Kindness Tree — on display NOW in the main lobby.  The tree represents kindness, respect, and love.  Its branches reach upwards towards the sky — uplifting all the students, staff, and community members who pass by each day.  Plus, painted rocks with inspirational quotes are scattered on the ground beneath the Kindness Tree — offering words-of-wisdom and messages of hope.
    A special thanks goes out to everyone in the Kindness Club and Mr. Dudek’s Technology Student Association — the TSA — for helping to make the Kindness Tree into a reality.  Everyone is welcome stop by, sit on the ledge beneath the tree’s shadow, take a “mental break” from your day — and consider how just a little KINDNESS can make our school a better place.
  • Read any good books lately? The “Talk about Books” Club” — a.k.a. TAB — will be meeting TODAY during all grade level lunches in the library. So grab your grub and come take a look at these Totally Awesome Books!!
  • Calling all 7th graders!  How would YOU like to be on the Yearbook Staff next year? The WMS Yearbook is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 school year.  This select group of students meet during TA and Wolf Time all year long — taking pictures, learning graphic design, and creating a keepsake for the ages.  And while it’s NOT a class for a grade, it’s still a highly rewarding club and resume booster.  Just swing by room 137 this week for more information and to get an application from Ms. Kontos.  The WMS Yearbook — Be a Part of the Pride!!
  • Another important announcement for 7th graders — Last week your English teachers gave you an additional Grade 8 English Course Request form for you to fill out. This form is due NO LATER than this WEDNESDAY.  If you would like to take the English 8/Storytelling class, please check the box and have your parents sign the form and return it to your counselor. If you do not turn in a form, you will be signed up for the English 8/Our Place in the World class. Any questions? Please see your English teacher or school counselor.

More News in Morning Announcements


We made it!  Today is the LAST DAY of school. In just a few short hours, the Wolf Pack...


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


It’s PROMOTION DAY here at WMS.  After three years of hard work and sacrifice, our 8th graders are preparing...