

  • Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6 — so be sure to double-check that you’ve got the correct books and binders for class. Again, this is a B-Day. See your TA teacher with any questions.
  • This is a reminder to the WMS Tennis Team — if you haven’t already done so, please return your tennis uniform to Ms. Hogwood in room 110 as soon as possible. Make sure it’s CLEAN and in a bag that’s clearly marked with your name. See Mr. Seeger with any questions.  Thanks, tennis wolves!
  • There’s a great new club starting up after school next week — “Helping Hands of Williamsburg!” Helping Hands focuses on community service, helping our neighbors in need, and supporting local non-profits. All students in all grades are encouraged to join!  Just sign-up on the Activity Board outside of the cafeteria, and come to the first meeting next Tuesday, November 23rd.  See Ms. Hogwood with any questions.
  • Did you miss Picture Day last month — or did your picture not turn out so well? Then you’re in luck — because “Picture Make-Up Day” is coming soon! On Tuesday, November 30th, photographers will be on-hand for picture retakes in the Cafeteria from 8 to 10 a.m.  Just wait for the all-call over the PA system before heading over. Picture Make-Up Day on November 30th.  Say cheese!
  • And now for a “Transportation Tip” about riding the bus. If you’re ever planning to take a bus that’s not your own — like if you’re going to a friend’s house after school — you MUST bring a note from home to the main office NO LATER than your grade level lunch.  Again, do NOT wait until the end of the day to get a bus pass — because there isn’t time and you’ll miss the bus!  See Ms. Carey in the main office with any questions.
    .Fall 2021 PE Gear Sale QR Code
  • PE Fall Gear Sale, 2021The PE Fall Gear Sale is now OPEN — featuring WMS Hoodies and Long-Sleeve T-shirts!!  To order, just follow the link on the WMS homepage, your student Canvas course, the PTA newsletter, or the Morning Announcements Blog.  But don’t miss out!  The online store closes on November 28th.  See your PE teacher with any questions.
  • And now it’s time for WOLF PACK PRIDE!!  The WMS Boys basketball team beat Dorothy Hamm on the home court yesterday — 34 to 22.  Big props to James for his incredible play on both offense AND defense — as well as Sam, Jack, Alex R, Sammy, Justin, Lukas and Matt for their amazing teamwork.  Way to go, baller wolves!! [clap]
  • Wolf Pack Pride continues with the WMS girls soccer team who also took on Dorothy Hamm yesterday. But this time, Hamm came out on top — taking the match 5 to 1. It was still a GREAT game, though — highlighted by a gorgeous goal from 8th grader Abby F, strong goalie play by 7th grader Allie M, and an epic game from 7th grader Lola C. — who went full-on BEAST MODE in midfield.  Way to go, soccer wolves!! [clap]
  • Superhero Sweet-16And finally — today is your LAST CHANCE to vote in the WMS Library’s Superhero Sweet-16!  To participate, just go to the WMS Library Canvas course and cast your vote for your favorite comic book crusader! Just 1-vote per person.  And we’ll be announcing the Elite-8 on Monday.
  • And don’t forget to check-out the “Destiny Discover” SUPERHERO collection for superhero books, graphic novels, and e-books.  See our school librarians with any questions.

More News


We made it!  Today is the LAST DAY of school. In just a few short hours, the Wolf Pack...


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...

Summer Reading

Make time to pick up a book - or two, or three - this summer!!!