

  • Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7 — so be sure to double-check that you’ve got the correct books and binders for class. Again, this is an A-Day. See your TA teacher with any questions.
  • Dribble, pass, shoot, nothing but net!  Tryouts for the Boys Basketball team are this week — Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday — in the main gym.  Interested ballers should sign up using the QR code by the Activities Board. See Coach Clark or Coach Nelson with any questions.
  • She shoots, she scores! Tryouts for the WMS Girls Soccer team are scheduled to begin next Monday, October 23rd, on the turf fields.  Athletes are reminded to sign-up using the QR code by the Activities Board or outside of room 116.  See Coach Treble with any questions.
  • And now for an important announcement from the 2024 Yearbook!  If you have any good pictures of yourself and your friends from when you were little — like elementary school or younger — please email them to Ms. Briones at or bring them to room 136 so she can scan them.  Your pics could be featured in the Now & Then section of the Yearbook!! Thanks for your help, wolves!!
  • Put your creative genius to the test! The annual PTA Reflections Contest is now accepting submissions from all grade-level students. This year’s theme is: “I am hopeful because…” Projects can include Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, or Visual Arts.  The deadline to submit is Tuesday, November 21st. Go to for more information.  Unleash your inner artist and submit to the PTA Reflections Contest today!!
  • And now for a “Transportation Tip” about riding the LATE bus. If you’re ever planning to take the LATE BUS after school — you MUST have a signed bus pass for both ASP1 and 2.  If you do not have a pass — you will NOT be allowed to ride the late bus.  Again — the pass must be SIGNED for both ASP1 and 2 in order to ride the Late Bus.  See your grade-level administrator with any questions.
  • Attention all students!  If you’re planning to decorate a friend’s locker, you may ONLY do so AFTER SCHOOL.  Once again, you may NOT decorate during the school day — only after the final bell. See your grade-level administrator with any questions.
  • We’ve got spirit, yes we do!  We’ve got spirit, how about YOU?!?  This week, our WMS community is raising awareness about TWO important causes.  First up: Wednesday is Unity Day — and everyone is asked to wear the color ORANGE in support of Bullying Prevention Month.
    And then on Thursday, it’s Pink Out Day — and everyone is asked to wear the color PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  So don’t forget — Wednesday is ORANGE, and Thursday is PINK.  And thanks for putting the W-in-Everything, Williamsburg!!
  • And now it’s time for WOLF PACK PRIDE!!  The WMS Tennis Team competed in the Arlington County Stockard Championship Doubles Tournament last Thursday — and they played their hearts out!  Two of our teams finished in second place, and another came in third!
    Coach Chris wanted to say how proud he was of every single player for giving it their best — all season long.   You really came together as a TEAM.  Way to go, tennis wolves!! [clap]

More News in Morning Announcements


We made it!  Today is the LAST DAY of school. In just a few short hours, the Wolf Pack...


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


It’s PROMOTION DAY here at WMS.  After three years of hard work and sacrifice, our 8th graders are preparing...