

  • Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7 — so be sure to double-check that you’ve got the correct books and binders for class. Again, this is an A-Day. See your TA teacher with any questions.
  • REVISED TA picture scheduleSmile for the camera! Over the next 2-weeks, the WMS Yearbook Staff will be taking TA pictures for the entire school!  But due to the 7th grade Outdoor Lab field trip, the schedule has been revised.  Here’s the updated rundown — the 6th grade TAs are still going first on Tuesday and Wednesday — but now the 8th grade TAs are going second, on Thursday and Friday — and the 7th grade TAs will be last, on Monday the 27th and Tuesday the 28th.  And finally, all make-ups and retakes will be shot on January 29th and 30th.
    The photographers will be arranging you into 2-lines for the picture… OR, if you’re feeling more imaginative — you’re encouraged to creatively stage and arrange yourself for the picture. Just be sure to practice your pose in advance — and make sure we can see everyone’s faces! See Mr. Schonfeld with any questions about the new TA picture schedule.
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math! If YOU’D like a career in STEM, enjoy building things, and like working with POWER TOOLS — then Mr. Dudek’s ACT 2 “Inventions” class is for you! This “hands-on” class is being offered for the 2nd semester — from February to June — and meets after school 2-days a week. The sign-up sheet is posted on the Activities Board by the cafeteria. See Mr. Dudek in room 129 for more information.
  • Believe it or not, but the 2nd Quarter is rapidly coming to a close! And you know what that means: it’s almost time for the Wolf Paw Drawing!!! That’s right — the 2nd Quarter Wolf Paw Drawing is scheduled for next FRIDAY during TA. But you MUST submit your Wolf Paws by next WEDNESDAY in order to be eligible. And if you’d like a sneak-peak at the prizes, go check-out the display case by the library. There’s some great stuff in there. So don’t delay — and turn in your Wolf Paws TODAY!!
  • And now for a “Transportation Tip” about riding the bus. If you’re ever planning to take a bus that’s not your own — like if you’re going to a friend’s house after school — you MUST bring a note from home to the main office NO LATER than your grade level lunch. Again, do NOT wait until the end of the day to get a bus pass — because there isn’t time and you’ll miss the bus! See Ms. Wielechoski in the office with any questions.
  • And finally today, the WMS PTA hosted the annual “Book Fair Fundraiser” in the Williamsburg library last month, and it was an absolute book bonanza. Student-reporter Lauren E. and Katelynn C.. “booked it” to the scene — to bring us this special report.

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We made it!  Today is the LAST DAY of school. In just a few short hours, the Wolf Pack...


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...

Summer Reading

Make time to pick up a book - or two, or three - this summer!!!