

  • Mother Nature strikes again!  Due to the late start this morning, we will be following an adjusted schedule today.  Be sure to check with your TA teacher for class and lunch times.  And remember — there will be NO Wolf Time today, so proceed directly to 1st period following the Morning Announcements.  Hooray for snow!
  • Believe it or not, but the 2nd Quarter is rapidly coming to a close — just ONE WEEK to go!  And you know what that means:  it’s almost time for the Wolf Paw Drawing!!!  That’s right — the 2nd Quarter Wolf Paw Drawing is scheduled for this FRIDAY during TA.  But you MUST submit your Wolf Paws no later than lunchtime TOMORROW to be eligible.  And if you’d like a sneak-peak at the prizes, go check-out the display case by the library.  There’s some great stuff in there.  So stop dawdling and turn in your Paws!  Good luck, wolves!
  • The WMS Theater Department is set to premiere its winter production: “Cheaper By the Dozen” — a comedy about a family with TWELVE kids who live a CRAZY life. Here’s the schedule: This THURSDAY and FRIDAY night at 7pm in the auditorium — you can see the full-length production. Tickets are just 5-dollars for adults, 3-dollars for students, 1-dollar for seniors, and it’s complementary for teachers and a guest. “Cheaper By the Dozen” will be a night to remember, so come out and enjoy the show!
  • Latinas Leading Tomorrow — aka the LLT — will be meeting on THURSDAY during ASP 1 in room 214. Members and allies are encouraged to come and join the discussion!  See Ms. Cameron or Ms. Winter with any questions.
  • Do you have a passion for singing or playing an instrument? If so, you should join the Symphony Club — a new group at WMS that combines band, orchestra, and chorus. It will be meeting every MONDAY during ASP 1&2 in the band room, room 225. Sign-up sheets are available in the orchestra room, the band room, and right outside of the cafeteria. The first meeting is scheduled for next week. So come check it out and enjoy the magic of music!  See Ms Tuttle with any questions.
  • Calling all artists and technology-lovers! If you’re looking for something to do after school next semester, the Williamsburg after school program — aka ACT 2 — is the place for you!  There’s Mr. Dudek’s “Inventions — A Product is Born” class; and Mr. Skrzypek’s “Visual Arts” class.  Students in all grade levels are welcome to enroll.  Just sign-up on the activity board by the cafeteria.  See Ms. Hogwood or either of the Act 2 teachers for more information.
  • Did you know that throwing away old electronics and batteries can cause hazardous materials to seep into the ground? It’s true! But the WMS Earth Club has a solution: There will be a special recycling drive from now until January 25th here at Williamsburg. Bring in cell phones, lap tops, cameras, batteries, or any other electronics and they’ll be safely wiped and recycled. Just drop them in the bins by the main entrance or cafeteria. See Ms. Mentch or a member of the Earth Club with any questions.


More News in Morning Announcements


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7...


Today we will be following the C-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 1 through 7 — so...