
2019-2020 Parent Coffees

2019-2020 Parent Coffees

Parent Coffee #1Tools for Fostering Academic and Emotional SuccessHave you thought about the skills necessary for students to be successful both in and out of the classroom?  How can parents help build those skills?  The answer may not be what you think.  Come join the WMS Counseling Department for our parent coffee to learn more.

Parent Coffee #2How to Support Your Student in Changing Their Relationship with AnxietyHave you seen your student worrying about an upcoming test or project and it keeps them from doing well?  Is your student spending too much time trying to make everything perfect?  Come join the WMS Student Services Department to learn how anxiety impacts academics and the ways to help your student cope at home.

Parent Coffee #3Completing Homework or Playing on the Phone? What Motivates Your Student AcademicallyDoes your student seem to care more about what is happening on social media than completing their homework?  Do you feel you care more about your student’s grades than they do?  Come join the WMS Student Services Department to learn more about self-motivation and tips to promote it in your student.

Parent Coffee #4Substance Abuse Awareness: What Do You Know?The purpose of substance abuse awareness is to educate adult caregivers about the dangers of specific substances, understand warning signs, recognize symptoms, learn to access support, and to identify additional resources for their own knowledge or to provide support. Early education for our children and youth will help dispel any misconceptions that they may have about commonly abused substances, such as: alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and medication (over-the-counter and prescribed). The goal of providing awareness opportunities to parents, is to help others understand that although a substance may seem harmless, they have the potential to be dangerous and even deadly.