
Citing Sources

APS subscribes to NoodleTools – a website for organizing research projects, collecting sources, writing notecards, and exporting a bibliography. This page contains detailed instructions for using NoodleTools. Most links will require your APS log-in.

WMS uses APA style citations in Science, History, Civics, World Geography, and Health.

MLA style citations are used in English and World Languages.

Log-in and create project

Google Slides: NoodleTools log in create project

Video: Create a Project in NoodleTools – from the NoodleTools help center

Cite a Database

Google Slides: NoodleTools Database citation

Video: in progress

Cite a Website

Google Slides: NoodleTools website citation

Video: in progress

Cite a Book

Create Notecards that link to your sources

Google Slides: NoodleTools Notecards

Video: How to Create a Notecard and How to Fill in a Notecard – videos from the NoodleTools help center.

Export your Bibliography or Works Cited

Google Slides: NoodleTools Export Citations

Video: in progress

In-text or in-line citations

A note about the in-text citation video: This video references including a page number in the in-text citation. If you are citing online resources, there is no page number. For our purposes in this stage of your practice, use the author’s name (or the first word in the citation in the bibliography), a comma, and the date. Example: (Proquest, 2023)

MLA vs APA: Works Cited vs References

Locating citations in the various databases