

Anime    thumbnail of anime_flyer (1)



Club Mission: The WMS Anime Club is a place for any student who enjoys Anime, manga, drawing, and games. We are a super-friendly group who enjoy experiencing and learning about Japanese culture through the media of Japan, and seeing its influence on other cultures. We also learn to sketch our favorite Anime characters and host events such as after-school cosplay, screenings of our favorite anime episodes, karaoke, manga exchange, and our Anime-themed shindigs. The club also, as funds allow, attends local Anime conventions. Everyone is welcome, whether they know anything about anime or not. Attendance isn’t mandatory—come when you can, or when something interests you. There is a one-time fee of $10, but only if you wish to receive a membership shirt (designed by club members).




When: Wednesdays ASP 1 (starting 10.11)

Where: 109

Club Founder/President: Evie McClinch, 6th Grade

Parent Facilitator/Sponsor: Ally Armistead (Evie’s mom)