
Identification Process


In the APS Division Operational Definition of Giftedness, APS defines giftedness as:

Learners within the school population who demonstrate or have the potential to demonstrate exceptional aptitude and talent in specific academic areas (English, mathematics, science, or social studies) in grades K-12 and/or visual and performing arts (vocal or instrumental) in grades 3-12.

APS has tailored our identification process to meet our definition of giftedness by using a multi-faceted approach to identifying giftedness in students. The Operational Definition Of Giftedness also states:

We seek to identify and serve the diverse population of Arlington Public Schools by providing services to children of all socioeconomic, language, and unique cognitive and artistic needs through the use of multiple criteria to identify students’ individual characteristics, unique learning styles, and affective needs.

In order to accomplish these goals, we follow a three phase process:

  • Nomination/Referral
  • Screening/Assessment
  • Selection/Placement

Nomination/ Referral

Callahan (2018) recommends using more than one approach to the nomination/referral process. This helps to eliminate possible bias and make sure the process is equitable and fair. The nomination/referral process is fluid. Referrals can be made throughout the year and at any grade level. This approach recognizes that giftedness can take time to develop and behaviors/ characteristics may present over a continuum.

Students may be referred in the following areas:

  • Specific Academic Aptitude (K-12):
    • English
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Social Studies
  • Visual or Performing Arts (3-12):
    • Visual Arts
    • Vocal Music
    • Instrumental Music (string or wind instruments taught in APS)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for a referral?
  • A student is referred to the gifted services eligibility process based on one or more of the following criteria:
    • a need for services beyond that provided by the general education program of studies instructional program
    • available ability and achievement data information
    • digital portfolios that show growth over time; student products/work samples
    • academic performance beyond grade level standards
    • behavioral characteristics of gifted students
How do I make a referral? You must complete a referral form: English, ,SpanishBengaliAmharicMongolian, and Arabic. Submit it to the Advanced Academics Coach (AAC).
When can I make a referral? You may submit it any time starting in September but no later than April 1st of the current school year. Any referral submitted after this date, will be considered for the next school year.
Who can make a referral? Students may be referred for services by:

  • The classroom teacher
  • School personnel
  • Parents/guardians
  • Community leaders
  • Self
  • Automatic Referral -All students take a universal screener in elementary school or the year of entry if new to APS. Students who reach a benchmark score are automatically screened for advanced academic services.  “Current research suggests that universal screening with standardized tests (testing all students at a given grade level or levels) is more likely to promote a fair and equitable process when the constructs of general intellectual ability or specific academic aptitudes are under consideration. (Callahan, 2018, p. 94).
What if my child was identified in elementary school, are they still identified in middle school? Yes! Once your child is identified for gifted services, it stays with them throughout their time in APS. This includes students that are identified in APS, move and attend another school system, and move back to APS!
What if my child was identified in another school system and we just moved to Arlington, does the identification transfer? Yes! We just need to receive the file from your previous school containing the eligibility letter and any testing data that may have been used in the identification process.


Once students have been referred, then further data is collected in order to make an educated decision on the need for services. The AAC works with and supports teachers in creating a portfolio. A portfolio is collection of student work chosen to exemplify and document a student’s learning progress over time.They are recommended by researchers to help build an overall “picture” of giftedness and help educators as they determine outcomes for instruction (Gubbins, 2018). Screening should be a multi-faceted approach involving many different measures for identification. According to Brodersen, et. al., (2018), “There is no single measure that adequately quantifies the construct of giftedness. Instruments are not designed to be used as single indicators of giftedness or need for services.” The screening process takes place in the Spring.

There are four main components for a holistic case study approach. 

  1. Ability Assessments (Normed Referenced)-Assessments used by APS are current, valid, and reliable instruments.
    • Your APS middle school student has taken:
      • Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (Given in 2nd grade)
      • CogAT (Given in 4th grade)
    • Other Test Scores, such as..
      • Ability tests like the WISC (parent provided), Kaugman-Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT) (Kindergarten referrals), etc.
  2. School-Based Achievement Test
    • County Level
      • SOLs and other available achievement data
    • School Level
      • Ongoing formative and summative assessments
    • Individual Level
      •  Honors or distinctions
  3. Student Behaviors/ Characteristics
    • Local screening committee completes a Gifted Behavior Commentary (GBC)
      • Documents gifted characteristics/ behaviors observed in a variety of settings.
    • Parent Information Sheet
      • Documents gifted characteristics and behaviors observed in a variety of settings across four categories.
      • Provides an opportunity for parents to share examples that the school team may not have had an opportunity to observe during the day.
  4. Demonstrated Performance
    • Distinguished levels of performance when working with advanced content.
      • Examples may include:
        • Advanced mathematics or problem solving
        • Unique interpretive responses in language arts and reading
        • Critical analysis of primary source documents in social studies
        • Creative problem solving and unique approaches to science projects and experiments
    • Visual and Performing Arts (VPA)
      • Referrals for Visual/ Performing Arts begin in grade 3.
      • Art and Music Teacher observations of artistic behaviors
      • Student products provided by art/ music teachers
      • Grades
      • Parent Information Form

Selection/ Placement

In the final stage of the identification process, a school-based screening committee will meet and review the portfolio using a holistic, case study approach to look for a trend of consistent, demonstrated strengths with the academic area(s) in order to determine eligibility for gifted services.

  • Identification decisions are sent to parents via mail.

If students are found eligible:

  • Select this link to see information about the delivery of services.

An Appeals Process is available to families following the eligibility process. An appeal begins at the school level with the principal. The second level of appeals involves a county-wide Gifted Services Administrative Appeals Committee.

Select This Link To Access Definitions Related to Identification



Arlington Public Schools.

Brodersen, A., Brunner, M., Missett, T. (2018). Traditional Identification Instruments. In C. M. Callahan & H. L. Hertberg-Davis (Eds.), Fundamentals of Gifted Education: Considering Multiple Perspectives. (2nd ed. pp. 279-292). Routledge.

Callahan, C. (2018). Identification Of Gifted and Talented Students. In C. M. Callahan & H. L. Hertberg-Davis (Eds.), Fundamentals of Gifted Education: Considering Multiple Perspectives. (2nd ed. pp. 279-292). Routledge.

Gubbins, E. (2018). Evaluating Curriculum Models Used in Gifted and Talented Programs. In C. M. Callahan & H. L. Hertberg-Davis (Eds.), Fundamentals of Gifted Education: Considering Multiple Perspectives. (2nd ed. pp. 279-292). Routledge.

Partington, K. (2019). Dorothy Hamm Middle School.

Virginia Department of Education.