
Country Research Hub – including Conflict and Cooperation

Introduction to the research projects – the library presentation

Accessing Databases from home

To access these resources from HOME, you must go to the APS Library Resources in Canvas. Choose Middle School Databases. The databases showcased in class are circled below. If you have any trouble accessing these databases through Canvas, please let me know. Remember, it is better to use Safari than the Canvas app.
online databases - Encyclopedia Britannica and Explora Secondary circled online databases - World Book, Culturegrams, World History, Opposing Viewpoints, and News are circled

Resources - Web Sites and Databases

Country Research

These resources provide background information that can be used for research about your country of interest. This information is fact-based.


CIA world factbook

World Atlas

The Five Themes of Geography Research Resources

The Five Themes presentation shows which resources to use to find information related to The Five Themes.



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successful HEI research

HEI Focus successful research

remember to use DRAMA and Lateral Reading to vet your sources

Conflict and Cooperation Research

These databases contain fact-based, general information as well as analysis and opinion articles.
Quality analysis and opinion is fact-based and backed by evidence.
World History in Context

Opposing Viewpoints

Be mindful of article dates in the Gale in Context databases. Sort by “date” instead of “relevance” to view the most current articles first.

News - Gale Onefile

This database has articles from newspapers and journals from around the world. It is surprisingly current.

Current Events

Global News for Current Events is a website of curated resources focusing on regional news from the area and from western media sources.

Use DRAMA and Lateral Reading to find Quality Information

DRAMA - date, relevance, accuracy, motivation, authority

DRAMA – a Google slideshow

DRAMA – a video explanation


Lateral Reading

Lateral reading is when you have multiple tabs open about the same topic. You read and compare the info on all the pages to get the full picture.

Lateral Reading – video by University of Louisville Research & Assistance Dept.

Citing Your Sources

Cite your sources in APA format with a References page at the end of your project showcasing full citations and with In-text citations that refer to your source right where you use that information.
NoodleTools Help Guide – an overview slideshow

Using NoodleTools: web and database – a video

Infographic – Where to find the citations in the APS library databases

Citing Databases

How to cite images in NoodleTools – a video

Citing Images in NoodleTools – a slideshow

How to cite an image in APA style – format & examples  – from Scribbr

What are In-text Citations?
A note about the in-text citation video: This video references including a page number in the in-text citation. If you are citing online resources, there is no page number. For our purposes in this stage of your practice, use the author’s name (or the first word in the citation in the bibliography), a comma, and the date. Example: (Proquest, 2023)

MLA vs APA: Works Cited vs References

Research Example with citations

Country Research – Mrs. Tan – The Philippines

Country research bibliography using resources from the suggested databases and websites