

  • The SOLs are coming!  That’s right, next week 8th graders will be taking their Writing SOLs — Patriots and Rams on Tuesday; Cavaliers and Hokies on Wednesday, and ALL teams on Thursday.  Testing locations are posted by the cafeteria and the gym, and you can also check with your TA teacher.
    Here are a few things you need to know:  you will NOT be allowed to bring your backpacks, pens nor pencils, water, snacks nor ANY electronic devices during the test on Tuesday and Wednesday. However, you MUST bring your iPad on Thursday for the Multiple Choice section — and make sure it’s FULLY CHARGED.  You may also bring a BOOK to read in case you finish early — but no electronic readers. See Ms. Cameron or your school counselor with any questions.  Good luck on the SOL, 8th graders!
  • All middle schoolers are invited to the upcoming APS “Color of Leadership Boys & Girls Conference — This is Me!” — scheduled for SATURDAY, March 30th from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kenmore Middle School. This exclusive program includes leadership workshops, roundtable discussions, mentoring, and of course FREE FOOD!! Interested students MUST complete a permission slip and register for the event by TODAY to reserve a place. For more information and to sign up, please see Ms. Cameron or go to the main office.
  • The March Madness Tournament of Books is underway — and this is your LAST CHANCE to vote for the Sweet-16.  Make your picks by using the QR codes located by the front office, or follow the link in today’s Morning Announcements Blog. Then tune-in MONDAY to find out which books made it to the Elite-Eight.  May the best book win!!
    **CLICK HERE** to cast your vote for the Tournament of Books!**
  • The WMS Kindness Club will meet on Tuesday, March 19th in room 201 during ASP1. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you’ve never been before. It’s ALL HANDS ON DECK as the Kindness Club teams-up with the Check-In program for their upcoming fundraiser. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Schaefer, Ms. Zeller or Mr. Johnson.
  • It’s time to “Tidy Up,” Williamsburg!  This month, we’re hopping on the KonMari Bandwagon as the WMS Kindness Club launches its “Clean Out Your Closet Campaign.”  From now until next FRIDAY, students and staff are encouraged to donate clean, gently used, and quality clothing to “The Clothesline for Arlington Kids.” Collection bins are located outside of the library. Donate to the Kindness Club fundraiser — and SPARK JOY for those in need!
  • And now for a “Transportation Tip” about riding the bus. If you’re ever planning to take a bus that’s not your own — like if you’re going to a friend’s house after school — you MUST bring a note from home to the main office NO LATER than your grade level lunch. Again, do NOT wait until the end of the day to get a bus pass — because there isn’t time and you’ll miss the bus! See Ms. Argenal in the office with any questions.
  • And finally today — there’s a LOT to learn about this great big world we live in.  But sometimes the best lessons are learned OUTSIDE of school.  So let’s hitch-a-ride with foreign correspondent Allison K. — for a look at life “down under.”


More News in Morning Announcements


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


Today we will be following the A-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 1, 3, 5, and 7...


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule. That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...