

  • The SOLs roll-on here at WMS — but they’re a little different today.  Make-up testing for ALL grade-levels will be conducted in the Library following the Morning Announcements — while the rest of the school will be following a NORMAL class schedule.
    Test-takers may ONLY bring the following items: your fully-charged iPad, a pencil or pen, a book to read, and earbuds ONLY if you have an approved audio accommodation for the test. You may NOT bring: backpacks or cinch sacks; any other electronic devises such as phones, watches, game consoles and the like; nor any water or snacks. And of course, there is zero tolerance for CHEATING.
    And for all those students who are NOT testing today — please remember to be quiet and respectful when you’re passing by the Library.. Teachers will be monitoring the hallways to ensure that there are no disruptions. Any other questions or concerns? Check with your teachers or grade level counselors. Good luck on your SOL, wolves!
  • The WMS Library will be CLOSED today during SOL testing hours. But it WILL be open after school. So be sure to stop by this afternoon and get yourself something good to read for after your SOL!
  • And now it’s time for WOLF PACK PRIDE!  This BREAKING NEWS was announced by APS last night — our 7th grade Assistant Principal, Ms. McCarthy, has just been named the NEW PRINCIPAL for Jamestown Elementary School!  Ms. McCarthy will begin her big new job this summer, but in the meantime will finish out the year with us here at Williamsburg.  Congratulations, PRINCIPAL McCarthy!  And remember, even when you’re gone, you’ll always be a PART OF THE PRIDE!! [clap]
  • Up next — Shakespeare is coming to Williamsburg!  Today, the entire 7th grade will be treated to a pair of performances by the InterAct Story Theater — bringing the words of Shakespeare to life!  Here’s the rundown — all Wizards and Capitals should report to the auditorium at 8:30 this morning for the first show; and all Nationals and Mystics should report to the auditorium at 10:05 for the second show.  See Ms. Martin with any questions — and enjoy your day at the Theater, wolves!
  • And now for a “Transportation Tip” about riding the bus. If you’re ever planning to take a bus that’s not your own — like if you’re going to a friend’s house after school — you MUST bring a note from home to the main office NO LATER than your grade level lunch. Again, do NOT wait until the end of the day to get a bus pass — because there isn’t time and you’ll miss the bus! See Ms. Argenal in the office with any questions.
  • And finally today, it’s the LAST DAY of Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week — and we’ve got TWO more BIG TREATS for our teachers. First off, be sure to bring your appetite to the Teacher’s Lounge this afternoon, as the PTA caters a “whale-sized” lunch from Moby Dick’s.  And we’ve also got something for you RIGHT NOW.  On behalf of all the students here at Williamsburg, we’d like you to know how much we appreciate everything you do for us — everyday. And to show our thanks, the WMS student body has prepared a special video.  Thank you, teachers!!


  • That’s all for now, but stay tuned for a special presentation of CNN 10 on WOLF-TV!!

More News in Morning Announcements


We made it!  Today is the LAST DAY of school. In just a few short hours, the Wolf Pack...


Today we will be following the B-Day schedule.  That means you’ll be attending periods 2, 4, 5, and 6...


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